New Work visualized

Shaping the future of work, one Monday at a time.

Each email contains

  1. a visual concept,
  2. a short explanation, and
  3. a simple experiment to try today.

That's it.

One bite-sized New Work concept every Monday morning. They won't start a revolution, but they will help you evolve. With consistency comes compound interest. 1.01³⁶⁵ = 37.8

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    Here is an example of what it looks like

    Job vs. Calling

    Old Work is perceived as a means to an end - a way to pay the bills. It's a job. It is OK, or even expected, that it feels dreadful. What you are doing is exchanging your time and effort for money. For many people, there is even the notion that if something is fun to do, it is per definition - not work.

    On the other hand, New Work is perceived as something we feel drawn to, a calling. Something we actually want to do because it is fulfilling in and of itself. Of course, we still want to earn an income, but there is more to work than just that.

    A simple experiment

    In informal settings, like over lunch, ask 5 or more colleagues:

    "If you won the lottery and got 10k every month for the rest of your life, what would you do?"

    Would they do something completely different because their current work is just a job?

    Or would they do the same work as they are doing now because it is their calling?

    If most people are in the second category, you are currently attracting people who see their work as a job.

    If most people are in the first category, this is an indicator that you are attracting people who see their work as a calling.